Alice Borges

  1. +14244702676
  2. 23 Years
  3. 5' 9"
  4. 143 Lbs
  5. 8 IN
  6. Hair Brown hair
  7. Eyes Brown
  8. Skin Tanned
  9. Waxing Fully shaved
  10. Body Thin
  11. Breast Normal
  12. Butt Median
  13. BioType Thin

Working Hours


About Me

If you're a gentleman, elegant and intellectual this is the right ad. I enjoy luxury places and I am an upscale companion. For more hot content this is my Onlyfans: Contact me for an amazing experience!
If you're a gentleman, elegant and intellectual this is the right ad. I enjoy luxury places and I am an upscale companion. For more hot content this is my Onlyfans: Contact me for an amazing experience!


I'm located in Los Angeles California United States
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