Sarah Evans

  1. +19295074071
  2. 23 Years
  3. 5' 7"
  4. 128 Lbs
  5. 8 IN
  6. Hair Black
  7. Eyes Brown
  8. Skin White
  9. Waxing Fully shaved
  10. Body Thin
  11. Breast Medium
  12. Butt Normal
  13. BioType Normal

Working Hours


About Me

Let them treat you like a princess! 👸🌹 Hello, I am Colombian visiting your city recently... I AM 100% REAL. I invite you to spend a super pleasant moment in a clean and calm environment. I am vers... Continuar leyendo
Let them treat you like a princess! 👸🌹 Hello, I am Colombian visiting your city recently... I AM 100% REAL. I invite you to spend a super pleasant moment in a clean and calm environment. I am vers, with a tight and firm body ready to please you in all your desires, even the hottest ones, send me


I'm located in Queens New York City New York United States
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